About AB Total Finance

My name is Amanda, the person behind AB Total Finance. Born and raised in an entrepreneurial family. I now have over 20 years of experience in financial services at various companies in the SME sector. I did this with a lot of passion and ambition. Besides the fact that I grew up in an entrepreneurial family, I personally value independence in the broadest sense of the word. Self-employment therefore fits in perfectly with this. It is from this point of view that I set up AB Total Finance.

AB Total Finance is a professional administration office that can provide full service for all your financial affairs.

We mainly focus our service on small and medium-sized companies. With our know-how we can facilitate companies in this category and meet the wishes and needs they find necessary.

There is a story behind the numbers. Your personal story behind the company. What do you want to achieve? Entrepreneurship is not just about making a profit. We value the people behind the company. In which the entrepreneur and the company are central. With us you are not a number. Without you as a customer, we are also on the sidelines.

We believe that ultimately a collaboration should arise that is mainly aimed at being able to build and rely on each other. The aim is to get the most out of it, in short, a 'win-win' situation for you and the company as well as for us.

We know better than anyone what role costs play within a company. Ultimately, the company's goal is to see a positive result down the line. Experience shows that not every company has the same wishes and needs in regards to outsourcing their financial affairs. One company needs to be completely serviced, another company likes to have certain financial affairs under its own financial management and therefore only wants partial affairs outsourced. The size and the financial data of a company which need to be processed also plays a role in this.

For us it doesn't matter. Whatever your wishes and needs are, AB Total Finance can provide you with a diversity in services.

Because of the above, you will not find rates on the website. If you want to know what we can do for you and your company, you can make an appointment without obligation. We are happy to pay you a visit.

Based on your information about the company and your financial administrative needs, a custom made offer can be made for you if desired.

Your story can be a question at the end of the conversation where our story could possibly be an answer to your question.

Our core values

We strive for a reliable and transparent cooperation with our customers. You can count on us for accurate and timely financial services.




We adapt to your needs and offer flexible solutions for your financial affairs. The possibilities are there. Together we can accomplish them.

Using advanced software and automation, we strive for efficiency in our services. This saves you time and costs, so you can concentrate on your core business.

We value our customers very much. We understand that every customer is unique, which is why we treat each customer with the highest degree of professionalism and respect. Our customers can rest assured that they are in good hands with us and that we always put their interests first.

Customer oriented

We have extensive knowledge and expertise in finance and provide customers with a high-quality service. We strive for excellence in our work. Short lines and transparent communication. We keep it simple and accessible. By continuing to develop in our field, we can properly facilitate the customer in their wishes and needs, now and in the future.


We understand the importance of accessibility, regardless of customer size. Our values remain unchanged. Big or small, together we focus on the now and on the future. For people, by people.
